Tuesday, November 8, 2022




"My Knowing's and Challenges in ICT"
        The learning's that I have gained is that blogging is fun not unless it have to be accurate, correctness and visualize. Learn something new which can help me for my living and that is blogging. Blog is where an authors share their self or purpose to write or even information's that people don't know that can it can help us. Blog can be business to a people, they can share a truthful information to us people who is intend is searching in Google.
       The problems or challenges that I encountered is having a stress life because I didn't  manage my time well to do the activities. Memorizing because my memorization is not good enough to memorize. Having troubled in the instructions.
      I address this challenges by giving myself a motivation which is spending more time with my family, doing some household chores and other good things. Taking more notes and Reviewing all the studies that our teacher teach, review and review until I memorize it and ask guidance to my family to teach me. I ask my teacher and classmate so that I can understand it more. 


  1. Congratulations, Neri. This quarter you learnt a lot. Good luck with the upcoming quarters. <3

  2. Good luck to your next journey, Neriah <3

  3. You did great, Neriah! Goodluck on your next journey!



  "Finale"                       Hi Again! I am Neriah Rabilas and now I'm posting this blog to finally say it ends,4th quarte...