Monday, May 22, 2023

"Alteration: A Change in my self"

 "Alteration: A Change in my self"

What is actually a change? A change is defined as the act or instance of making or becoming different which has positive and negative aspects in our life. Also changing helps you in every way but not all like changing your answer in a test. Furthermore, I want to share my experience on how I changed through time. Which it solves the problems in my life, either good or bad

Me in my Childhood
         Do you believe that the picture on the left is me? and also the right is me? you didn't notice right because the answer is yes, the two pictures are the same person and that is me. In these pictures, I will explain how did I change from being unattractive to having good skin and white skin. My classmates say that in my baby pictures, I look like neither to them and that is because I change myself by applying some products that could help me whiten my body and face. Furthermore, not only my visual did I change but also being an introverted person, in the past years I'm actually a shy person but now is a mix of introvert and extrovert, I intently change for myself and others cause being a shy person can't help me resolve a problem. My sexuality also change, I am not out yet to my family but I want you to know that I'm actually a Bi, I have likings both boy and girl but now I am loyal to my crush even though she doesn't know me but I want to know her and be close to her when the school end. There is much more that I want to share with you about me changing my life but they are the most private revision of my life. In addition, I change for the better and for myself to be able to look up again, to start a new life.

Me now
In ce.  are exciting, motivating, opportunistic, and challenging and help us grow while negative ones are fear of the unknown, which can cause stress, threatening, and irritating. These are the positive and negative aspects of changing but this cannot be the reason for us to stop and keep going for the better of ourselves. You and I change. for the better,  for our daily, self, and community. "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”-Jimmy Dean

Wednesday, May 17, 2023



                   When you say mother, what you mean is the one who supports you, the one who sacrifices for you but what in the dictionary means a female parent. A Mother has been a part of a family for though without her, you are not born. Also, a mother has responsibilities, roles, and other jobs to do for their family but what most amazing job they are doing is sacrificing but not all mother is great right? we can tell whether a mother is good or bad. However, We can't really tell if our mother is the most perfect mom in the world why? because sometimes they tend to not show their feelings or emotions to their children .Furthermore, we also call them as our hero, why? because even though without a father they are the ones who provide us, our safety, food and other things. My mother, I can tell that she is beautiful the most beautiful girl in dad's life.

              I can say that my mother is not perfect but she has the most kindest and softest heart in the world even though i get carried away that I talk back and shout at her but what she did is talk back to teach me the way on how to properly explain my worries or my feelings, like manner. Also, my mother is my first ever teacher in my growing up era, she really teach me hard but i feel sorry because right now I cant even do a proper job like doing chores at home. I sincerely apologize for my behavior towards my mom and family, so this day, celebrating the mothers day or "Araw ng mga nanay" is I give all my love, care and support towards my mother, although I can give her any gift cause I don't have enough money to buy her a present this mothers day but I promise to myself that in her birthday we will give her a usable present ever. I love my mother so much even though we got scold everyday, my love for her will never end. Not only my mother which I care the most but also to other mothers, soon to be a mom, single mom, aunty and grandma.

                In Conclusion, Mother's Day is an occasion which is celebrated in various parts of the world to express respect, honor, and love towards mothers. The day is an event to honor the contribution of mothers, acknowledge the efforts of maternal bonds and the role of mothers in our society. Although, different countries celebrate the occasion on different dates, the common months of the celebrations are March or May. Mother's Day is a similar effort like other celebrations like Father's Day, Siblings Day, Grandparents Day and others.


Sunday, May 7, 2023

“Industrious Souls”

"Industrious Souls"

              The world is full of humankind, a kind, ungrateful, diligent, and lazy souls. Where Every human in the world has responsibilities or roles to follow, like being a good citizen in a community or around the world. However, they are a part of our life whom we should be thankful. in every first day of may, we celebrate the day of workers and also known as the “labor day”.

               International workers day, also known as Labour day in some countries, is a celebration of  labourer's  and the  working classes  that is promoted by the international  Labour movement  and occurs every year on first day of may. Labour day in many countries is celebrated on a different date, often one with special significance for the labour movement in a country. In Philippines, labor day is celebrated annually to celebrate hardworking Filipinos across the country. Also, labour day in Filipino is known as ‘Araw ng Mga Manggagawa’, where many Filipino always await for this holiday to relax and spend the day with their family and friends. Moreover, these activities draw attention to their complaints, which include the minimum wage, inhumane working conditions, and other issues that undermine the rights of employees. every hardworking Filipino is celebrated on this day, no matter what their job is.

               In conclusion, workers must have a holiday and we must celebrate to commemorate their hard work or hardships to suppl their needs, family and to our society. They are the most important people or citizen in the world for though without them, our society will not go up, no more new products and etc.  We must make importance about them so that they will feel the love and care we have for them. To all workers out there, I thank and salute you very much, keep doing the best job for our society. Thank you Workers!



  "Finale"                       Hi Again! I am Neriah Rabilas and now I'm posting this blog to finally say it ends,4th quarte...