Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Surviving pandemic and new normal education (modular) in the start from now

“Surviving pandemic and new normal education (modular) in the start from now”


                         Starting from where the pandemic and new normal education (modular). I was be able to learn something new or new hobbies like playing guitar, cooking and etc. Overcome some big problems like family issues, financial, module’s and other problems. Where I start changing myself to be confident in some ways or things and to help others. Realizing that when pandemic and new normal education (modular) comes we people in the world are still moving forward after the challenge we had and fighting, that we start uniting to fight for the big problem. We always look forward and do our rules for the sake of our self, family and neighbor.


Pandemic, This word cause us a huge destruction in our country because we can’t do anything and follow the protocols that the politics had come up. When pandemic is going on I am in the midst of new normal education (modular) so things got tired up. I started to just do my own job/rules so that I can be a help to my family or community. What I did so that I can’t be tired or stress is that to find new hobbies like playing guitar that I am be able to play guitar now, Cooking : my family is the one who teach me how to cook and actually its not easy at first but I try and try until I started to be the cook of our family, Doing house works like planting, watering the plants, cleaning our house inside and outside. You got to know my new hobbies and it turn out to help my self and family. Of course I can’t forget the problems that I encounter when pandemic is happening with my family, we encounter a problem and that is financial, Covid-19 and family issues. Financial problem, my family’s financial stable is bad because they can’t go to work and it lead them to borrow some money to our niece or friend of them but luckily the municipality established a protocol that only one can go out per family and that is a good opportunity that my family can get so that we can have a little money to buy some things that we need. Covid-19, yes we experience to be locked down in our home because of Covid-19, my sister got contact tracing because she got a contact on a positive Covid-19 person but luckily it didn’t last long cause it turn out she is negative in Covid-19.  Family issues, the whole family became a mess because of the land property that they are fighting over and over, my LoLo that comes from state returns here in PH and when he is here he want to solve the property of lands that they got from their parents to divide it equally, after the measuring they fight again because they did not understand each other say’s, my lolo wants to buy their lands because his house is in the back and his car is big and the space is small that it’s hard to pass through, that made him buy my other lola’s land, it was quite a mess but they luckily understand each other now.


                        New Normal Education (modular) Module, in march 2019 the whole school closed down because of the deadly virus that spreading the whole world and we student just stayed at home to learn or so called self-learning. Our school is depending on one solution so that we student will keep studying and that is the new normal education (modular), student has the choose to pick one of the following Digital learning (Online) or Modular learning (Printed), As for me I choose Digital learning when I’m Grade 8 but I change to Modular learning when I am Grade 9 because I struggle to answer the questions and my eyes get tired from staring to the laptop for to long. It start the time the modular begin, I was very excited to have an online class but as time pass by it’s kinda get boring like you just stare at the screen while listening to the teacher and no word is kept in your brain like you didn’t even learn anything, so after that online class our teachers assign some task’s that we must do. I started answering some task’s that given to us but I just answer it without learning anything, like I just answer and look over to our concept notes for the answers. Then as time pass by I can’t work on some of my activities because I have an important works to do that I didn’t realize that the due of our projects is near and my mind went confuse or mess that I don’t know what to do anymore. I struggle to pass my module’s and projects within the deadline but luckily our teacher’s give us a chance to pass it when I completed it. When we answer some hard questions we tend to ask a help from our teacher or classmate but me who is introverted can’t just be confident in asking, I tried but I can’t. My depression starts when I encounter a hard subjects that I can’t understand and the feeling that you suffocate yourself in your living room crying but tend to show your happy fake smile to your family and friends, trying to understand the concept notes that’s given to answer the task’s on my own without a help of my family. Yes, I tend to ask for help but not all the time because they all have their own responsibilities or works that if they comeback home they go straight to their room to nap a little bit then cook a food for us and it is likely that I wasn’t be able to help because of my school works. I want to help but my school works deadline is near and my mind went blank again because I don’t know what to do in this hard task’s that given. And luckily I am able to overcome this by getting myself some word encouragement and praying, yes praying It helps me a lot because whenever I am lost there is god by my side, so keep praying sincerely.


                          From now on I realize that even if I encounter some challenges that its hard to pass through, there is yourself fighting over the difficulty in facing it. Rather than myself I had someone to rely on and that is God, he is the one who made me strong through fulfilling my prayers. Surviving this obstacle that I encounter is not easy but I tend to look forward and change by doing some good things. Today, I change from what I am in the past 3 years because I don’t want the past that I experience and I want to keep trying hard so that I can be best at everything that I do. Surviving in the pandemic and New Normal Education is not easy but there are people who wants to help you go up or to learn no matter what you have and that Is my teacher’s, frontliners and my family. I appreciate all the works that they do to just protect and keep us learning, I am grateful for their strong faith or trust on god or us.     

1 comment:

  1. Reading you blog is really relatable, you have fought a lot of challenge but still made it through. Keep doing your best!



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