Sunday, January 8, 2023

"A Wonderful Christmas"

 A Wonderful Christmas Day

On the month/day of December 25 every year is when jesus christ is born and the day of Christmas. Every Christmas day we celebrate as a family where I feel very happy, exciting and joyful. I feel happy when Christmas is coming, why? Because it is the day we are complete as a family and where I receive some aguinaldo from my ninangs and ninongs. In our tables are full of foods which is called noche buena there are igado, pinakbet, pansit, and many other menu. After eating I help wash our dishes, after that my aunt and uncle let us a play a game to win a money from them, it is just not money is the price but also a food like chicherya. We had a lot of fun when we play games even if we are pressured but it is fun when your family is with you they give you confidence or courage to try hard. We are very happy when christmas comes because it feels like not a regular day but a special day for a people like us.

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