Wednesday, April 19, 2023



I can say that it is fun and enjoyable learning this third quarter even though Many challenges I encounter are difficult but with trust in myself, I overcome them. This third quarter I learned much like codings, how to make HTML, webpage, and others. Moreover, I have many complaints but what I think is "This is for me and my future", Through this third quarter I have always had a positive mind and been cheerful as always.

I must say that the third quarter is very enjoyable because I become more of a study person, just focusing on learning cause I want to be on the honored list again even though I'm not satisfied with myself, my scores, recitations, and others in this quarter. the challenges I encounter like cramming, not managing time, stress, and lack of sleep, this challenges I encounter are like a battle that I overcome, it is difficult and not passable. Furthermore, I overcome them with great solutions like having a positive mindset as always, setting an alarm to be correct in time of sleep, managing my time by setting schedules for what to do first and last, and stress, I open some of my problems to my peers like my friends whom I trust the most, my family, who is always there for me and others. This challenges of mine may seem difficult but overcoming it with a positive thinking and mindset can help you more in doing a good decisions. This quarter may seem very hectic for me or even my classmates but we never forget to enjoy and have fun in the lowest point in us, in which we are united when we need help from each other and if someone needed us. 

In this Third quarter I learned also that having someone by your side, who loved, cares, and teaches you is the best armor or shield, that encourage you to be more confident, that you can do it even for a little mistake they know that you can  do it. This quarter is very enjoyable and fun even though we crammed sometimes. Hoping for more improvement and hoping to be in the honor list again, good luck to the last quarter, goodbye third quarter.

reference pics:

Friday, April 14, 2023



                 The holy week also known as "Semana Santa" in the Philippines is celebrated every month of April, which starts on Palm Sunday to the Sunday before Easter. The week also includes five days of special significance, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday Easter Sunday.  Holy week is a part of our life to celebrate in which we must celebrate it no matter what happens because this is a very important holiday in our life.

Starting on Sunday or which is called Palm Sunday where we Celebrate Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, In which I go to church with my aunt and we buy "palapas" where we will shake or wave to be blessed by the Father. Palm Sunday also has a lot of happenings, when we are going to Vigan from Sta. Catalina my uncle said that there is an accident on the highway,  so my uncle drive carefully so that we can't be in an accident. Maundy Thursday Commemorates the foot washing and the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles, what I did in the day was do some house chores/cleaning, do some schoolwork, and rest. Good Friday Commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary, this is where we couldn't eat meat, I feel sad because I can't eat my favorite food which is "tultulang na sinigangan", in the afternoon at 3:00 pm we go to church, and attend the "libot" where many people from each barangay in our municipality attended, we buy a candle and
light it as we walk with the saints we are parading and honestly, it is so windy that we cannot light the candle so I just walk without lighting the candle after the libot we all leave in the church and go home. Holy Saturday Commemorates Jesus' body resting in the tomb, what I did in the day was do some house chores/cleaning, do some school work, and rest. Lastly, the Easter Sunday when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and his victory over death, I woke up early in the morning to go to the beach because it is easter sunday or we called it "the Sabado Gloria" which my family cooks some food to take it with us and eat at the beach, we had so much fun in the beach, we swim, have fun and eat, after we finish we go home. After we got home I didn't realize that my body is full of sand that comes from the beach, at 3:pm in the afternoon I got ready for we will attend the mass for Easter Sunday, and I wore my best outfit for it. 

           This holy week is a memorable one for me despite the bad happenings, also even though there might be some accidents and lots of happenings, we all know that god has been with us, who forgive and guide us through our life. Also, we must never forget that this holy week is important.

"A Big Occasion"

"A Big Occasion"

                          A big occasion occurs on March 25, 2023, at Ilocos Sur National High School. Yet, It's the 121st Anniversary of the school with the theme "Renewed Commitment in Defying odds to transcend heights of excellence and solidarity", Where many performances, intermissions, and addresses have been done during this celebration.

                Students and Teachers have been practicing for a whole day to present fascinating and beautiful performances for the occasion. Moreover, This occasion gave me a very unforgettable experience in which I enjoyed the fascinating performances of the students.  Students who participated in the performance looked so cheerful and energetic and that's the reason why we were hyped about their dancing and cheering, we cheered and enjoy it a lot. After the performances end, we go to our classroom and cool down for a minute before we go home. 

              On this occasion I realize that enjoyment and happiness can be filled with us when we are united just like this high school day, students and teachers unite to show fascinating performances and cheer for each other a lot. Despite not participating in this high school day we were overwhelmed by the performances that they shared with us. This may be the last high school day we participate in this school year but it is the most unforgettable experience of mine where my classmates, teachers, and friends are there to be with us, and to enjoy ourselves.


  "Finale"                       Hi Again! I am Neriah Rabilas and now I'm posting this blog to finally say it ends,4th quarte...