Monday, January 30, 2023

"Quarter De 2"

Quarter De 2

                     A very wonderful day, why are you here? You know it's now the 2nd quarter in our school, Oh I might introduce myself first,I am Riah so well I want to share some experience of mine while I am studying even though many obstacle comes. 2nd quarter is so very challenging for me, why? Because there are so many school works to do like doing the thematic,public speaking and others. It is hard for me but there is always a light that helps me and that is my family, friends and fellows, they help me by just supporting in what I will do, help me with my problems like checking the grammars of what i wrote. 

                 They scold me sometimes but they are willing to help even though they are angry. Our subject teachers are so amazing in teaching, I'm amazed because they are ready to help what you don't understand. There is this time that I couldn't go to school because I get sick, so when I go back to school I can't cope up because I don't know what did they learn for the past days but my teachers help me understand what is what and I clearly easily understand it because they put so much effort in teaching me. I am very thank ful for their supports, care and love for us.

              I give all my best this 2nd quarter, many problems may come but I overcome it with positive mind. Many challenges and difficulty but someone will come and  willing to help you. I pray for my pass this 2nd quarter, honestly I think I did all my best to achieve my goal which is to become an honor, I might not make in first quarter but I am fighting and encouraging myself that I will make it this time. See you in 3rd quarter and good luck self! Fighting!



  "Finale"                       Hi Again! I am Neriah Rabilas and now I'm posting this blog to finally say it ends,4th quarte...